Members have agreed that the car boot will re-start after Easter on the 12th April. There are a new set of Terms & Conditions, which participants will need to follow.
- Laugharne Township Community Council has agreed to re-open the car boot on a trial basis for 2023.
- The Planning Conditions require Car Boot Sales to be restricted to a strip 6 metres deep along the two sides of the car parking area bounded by Island House and the River Corran.
- Unless this requirement is complied with, the planning authority will have little alternative but to take enforcement action and the Car Boot Sales will have to cease.
- Clients must not site themselves outside the designated area, as a breach of the Planning Condition occurs. Once all the designated pitches are booked, no further bookings will be allowed.
- The area approved under the Planning Condition provides for 24 pitches of 2.6 metres width. Clients must position themselves in and remain within a marked pitch. If any client overlaps onto another pitch, they will be charged the full price for each full or part pitch they occupy.
- Clients must not encroach into the driving area.
- Each pitch or part pitch is priced at £5.
- Any breach of these regulations by an individual client, which is not immediately rectified by repositioning or appropriate payment, will result in that client being banned for the rest of the season.
- The sale of street food and drinks is not allowed.
- These regulations can be amended by council without reference.